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                                                                                                   Justice system:


1. Legal Expertise  

CILSP provides legal expertise on drafting: (i) legal opinions on normative frameworks such as laws, bylaws, regulations, policies, strategies, regulations, guidelines etc.; (ii) legal analysis on various legal acts and comparative studies on the compliance of the domestic legislation with international standards; (iii) new laws and/or amendments of existing laws; (iv) state policy papers and strategies on juvenile justice system; (v) assessment of child protection system; (vi) advocating and advancing children’s rights agenda and (vii) research and publications on different legal and/or psychological issues. 



2. Psychological forensic expertise 

CILSP’s psychological expertise consist of: (i) drafting of Guidelines for the realization of criminal and civil evaluations from the psychologist and social workers; (ii) defining the standards upon which the evaluation procedure is undertaken by the psychologist; (iii) defining the standard procedure on child friendly interviewing techniques of children/juveniles applied by the psychologists in police station, prosecution office and/or court; and (iv) preparing of guidelines on the Code of Ethics for the psychologist in their daily work in the justice system.  CILSP’s psychologist has given its expertise presenting a psychological perspective for the implementation of its provisions best on the best interest of the child and introducing for the first time in Albania the drafting of the psychological evaluation during divorce procedures.



3. Service provision 

Our main expertise in service provision is in legal and psycho social service.  

  • CILPS provides legal assistance to juveniles in conflict with the law, victims of crime and also to adults from all vulnerable groups in civil and penal processes, throughout all the steps of the legal process. The legal services include both primary and secondary aid and consist in legal counseling,  legal representation in the police station, prosecution office and courts and giving information on the status of the legal proceedings and consequences. Legal assistance is offered, also, on custody and adoption cases. Legal education and awareness raising activities are activities conducted by CILSP intensively in the recent years.  CILSP is authorized by Ministry of Justice and Free Legal Aid Directory in provision of primary legal aid. 

  • CILPS provides psychological assistance for children/juveniles and their families as well but not only. CILPS offers psychological services to adults from vulnerable groups. For all these target groups the psychological support consists in assessment and treatment of psychological and emotional/behavioral problems.  In addition, CILPS collaborates with First Instance District Courts to assist custody cases with psychological assistance aiming at protecting the best interest of the child. 




4.Mediation service and referral to mediation services, promoting of restorative justice practices.

In the recent years, with the  legal developments in our country, CILSP is engaged by promoting mediation and implementing projects which provide direct service delivery for vulnerable groups. CILSP is enhancing knowledge and expertise in this areas by collaborating with national and international expert organizations in the field and also with National Chamber of Mediation.  



                                                                        Child protection system  


CILSP provides different services  that are part of the case management process which is guided from public authorities institutions. The target group that benefits from these services are vulnerable groups, with a special emphasis in children and young people.  

  • Cases in probation service: CILSP collaborates with General Directorate of Probation Service for the treatment of juveniles who are sentenced with alternative measures. CILPS has treated approximately 400 cases during the past years.  

  • Cases of abused and neglected children:  CILSP, through its staff of attorneys and psychologists, provides different kind of assistance to cases of children abused/ neglected and psychological support to children at risk or victims of abuse, exploitation or trafficking.  

  • Children without parental care: Both the attorney at law and the psychologist support the cases referred by different sources. 

  • Vulnerable families: CILSP help vulnerable families to increase their knowledge on their rights and, provide them with needed information on how access to justice. By informing them about their rights, as well as the law criterions to benefit from them such as the right to economic aid, employment, the right to education they are empowered to have more access and ask for the fulfillment of their rights by the respective state institutions. 


Besides service provision, CILSP has participated in different researches, need analysis and advocacy initiatives contributing to the strengthening of the child protection system in the country.  



                                                                    Capacity Building Activities  


CILSP is specialized in the development of training materials and organization of training sessions nationwide. In the organization of trainings, CILSP has provided a series of capacity building activities for professionals in collaboration with : School of Magistrate; Albanian Police Academy; Education Directorate; National Bar Association; General Directorate of Probation Service, General Directorate of Prison, State Agency for the Protection of Children’s Rights, Order of Psychologist, attending centers ect. The training programs organized by CILSP have been part of a greater intervention which have contributed to: (i) building a common understanding on the law and assuring right implementation of the law from different state officials; (ii) remedy situations evidenced in practice by increasing knowledge of stakeholders (iii) increase the knowledge and awareness on children’s rights and (IV)raising capacities of forensic psychologists in providing assistance and evaluations within the justice system. The trainings curricula have been drafted based on integrated programs, including both a legal and a psychological perspective, having a mix audience of different professionals such as judges, prosecutors, police officers, lawyers, psychologists etc.  




                                    Support vocational training and employment initiatives for young people 


CILSP  has been dedicated to providing vocational training opportunities for young people in order to equip them with the skills knowledge needed to secure employment and build successful careers. Through workshops, training sessions, and hands-on experience, the organization has been able to empower youth from disadvantaged groups to pursue their passions and reach their full potential. By providing access to vocational training in a variety of industries, CILSP has been instrumental in helping to bridge the gap between education and employment for individuals. 


In addition to vocational training opportunities, CILSP also offers a comprehensive package of services to support young people in their journey towards employment. This includes career counseling, mentorship programs, job placement assistance, and ongoing support for personal and professional development. By addressing the holistic needs of young people, CILSP is able to provide a solid foundation for success and help them overcome barriers to employment. Through these efforts, the organization has been able to make a significant impact on the lives of countless young individuals, enabling them to achieve economic independence and contribute positively to their communities

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